Brownfield Development and Planning Consent

Government targets mean that approximately 60 – 80% of new developments are to be built on Brownfield sites. Brownfield is a term to describe areas of previously developed land which may or may not be contaminated. Such sites may include former uses such as industrial works, mills, and factories. These former land uses give rise to potential contamination of the ground and of neighbouring controlled waters.
Legislation and guidance such as PPS23 and the Part II A of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) place certain constraints on land owners and developers to address the issues of contaminated and potentially contaminated land in order to gain planning permission and other regulatory approvals.
We undertake site investigations for environmental purposes such as the development of contaminated land; local authorities determining areas of potentially contaminated land under part IIA of the EPA, and for geotechnical purposes such as foundation design and slope stability. We also undertake mining investigations in areas of former coal workings and brine extraction.

Site Investigations Accreditations
Site Investigations Accreditations
Site Investigations ISO Accreditations